Ministry Catalyst

Course Overview

Course Content

Course Instructor

Instructor: Dr. Tracy Holsclaw

Duration: 12 weeks (Apr 2 – Jun 19, 2024)

Location: Campbell

Day & Time: Tuesdays 8-9pm PST

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Course Overview

Location: In-person in Campbell and via Zoom conference (link provided upon enrollment)
This course starts by having each student look at the process of becoming a leader or minister within the body, the family of God, and Kingdom culture. The course includes a discussion on the work of apostles and apostolic movements in the Kingdom. Each student will look at how they are called and empowered to ministry, and how they can empower others. Students will work on discovering and implementing God’s plan for their lives.

What you’ll get from this course:

Every course is taught at the college level in a 12-week quarter. You will get professional instruction that is deeply grounded in the truth of Scripture and the power of the Holy Spirit. The courses meet weekly for 2 hours of lecture, discussion, and interaction. We expect these courses to make a powerful impact as you study the word of God and see the transformation in your life. 


Full access to the Zoom classroom and professor


In-depth Biblical teaching


No tests or homework required

Course Instructor

Dr. Tracy Holsclaw

Cheif Academic Officer
Northern California Bible College

Ph.D. Statistics UC Santa Cruz, Th.D. Global Awakening Theological Seminary (in process), Master’s in Theology, Global Awakening Theological Seminary; MS/BS San Jose State University

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