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Audit Courses Offered Live

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Life of Christ 2 $ 100

Northern California Bible College

Life of Christ 2

Online Zoom Only1/8 - 3/26 (12 weeks)Wed 7-9pm

David Sell lectures on the Life of Christ. This second half of the course covers the life of Christ from the later Judean ministry through His Ascension. The course will provide a detailed study of the latter part of the life of Christ through the reading of the second half…

Dr. Tracy HolsclawDr. Tracy Holsclaw
Healing Ministry 2025 $ 100

Northern California Bible College

Healing Ministry 2025

Campbell & Online1/7- 3/25 (12 weeks)Tues 8-9pm

God has spoken through the ages to people through audible means, vision, dreams, trances, miracles, signs, and small whispers. This course will discuss Biblical examples of how God speaks. The course will then focus on the prophetic ministry, covering the role of the Old Testament prophets, the New Testament prophets,…

Greg Holsclaw
Theology of Prayer $ 100

Northern California Bible College

Theology of Prayer

San Jose Campus1/9 - 3/27 (12 weeks)Thur 7-9pm

Dr. Wayne Mancari lectures on the ministry of prayer. The purpose of this course is to provide an introduction to the theology and practice of prayer. This course will introduce the vital contribution of prayer in developing the whole person mentally, physically and spiritually and help students in their understanding…

Dr. Wayne Mancari